Look at me! I am 2 months old today! I am very excited to be here!
I had my 2 month check-up at the doctor yesterday. Ouch, not fun. I got 4 shots and I cried but not a lot....and Mommy cried too. She said she was so proud of me! I now weigh in at 11 lbs 7 oz and I am 23 1/2 inches long. I grew a lot in the last month. Mommy said that explains why I can't fit in some of my clothes already. I have moved on to 3 month and 3-6 month clothes. Dr. Harrell said I look good, except that I tend to favor turning my head to one side. So she wants me to go to physical therapy to work out the muscles on the other side of my neck. She said it is no big deal, so I am not worried about it. My cousin Nathan had the same problem with his neck but now he is just fine so I will be too!
I will write again soon. We have been busy house hunting and we actually found a house....we made an offer and it was accepted. We have the inspection this Friday so as long as everything works out, we will have a new home by June 30th! More on that later...
It is still hot here so try to stay cool. To all my cousins in the Midwest...stay dry!