Sorry it has been a while since my last post. Mommy and Daddy have both been very busy! Mommy and I went to Tampa last weekend and Daddy went to Las Vegas. Mom took some pictures that I will show you from our trip but for some reason, Daddy did not take any pictures. I guess he had a good time, he was telling me and Mommy about the fact that he only got 3 hours sleep the whole weekend and he bet money on my due date and won!
Anyway, the pictures above from my weekend in Tampa with Mommy. The first one is Aunt Lizzy and "Mr." Ben. I am hoping one day soon to be able to call him Uncle Ben. The other one is of Grandpa Wayne and Grandma Judy (and Mr. Ben is in that one too). These were taken on a boat we had for the day on the Intercoastal.
We go see my docotor again this week so I will let you know what he says. I will talk with all of you again soon!
We go see my docotor again this week so I will let you know what he says. I will talk with all of you again soon!