Here are some pictures from the last 2 weeks.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sorry it has taken me a while to update you! I am going through a growth spurt and I am keeping Mommy very busy. I had my 1 month check-up and it went well. I was 6 lb 14 oz at my 1 week appointment but at the 1 month...I weighed in at 9lb 1 oz and I grew an inch. Dr. Harrell said they give new babies 4 months to double their birth weight but she said if I keep up my current weight gain...I will have no problem with that! I only had 1 shot this time and boy did I cry. Next month I have to have a couple more and I am not looking forward to that. Dr. Harrell also thought that I looked a little jaundice so me and Mommy had to go to the children's hospital to have a blood test to check my bilirubin levels. Good News! My levels are all ok! So that is it for now. I will get some new pictures up here in the next couple of days so all of you can see how much I have changed!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!!
Hi Everyone! Happy Mother's Day! And Happy One Month Birthday to me. I'm one month old today. Mommy and daddy say I've changed so much in only a month.
Grandma Mary and Grandpa Ed came down for a visit this past week and we had so much fun. They helped get me acclimated to society. We went antiquing, to the Botanical Gardens, out to dinner...everything. Thanks Grandma Mary and Grandpa Ed!
I have my one month check-up tomorrow. Mommy is nervous because I get shots. I hope it won't be too bad. I'll let everyone know how it goes.
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