Sorry it has taken me a while to update you! I am going through a growth spurt and I am keeping Mommy very busy. I had my 1 month check-up and it went well. I was 6 lb 14 oz at my 1 week appointment but at the 1 month...I weighed in at 9lb 1 oz and I grew an inch. Dr. Harrell said they give new babies 4 months to double their birth weight but she said if I keep up my current weight gain...I will have no problem with that! I only had 1 shot this time and boy did I cry. Next month I have to have a couple more and I am not looking forward to that. Dr. Harrell also thought that I looked a little jaundice so me and Mommy had to go to the children's hospital to have a blood test to check my bilirubin levels. Good News! My levels are all ok! So that is it for now. I will get some new pictures up here in the next couple of days so all of you can see how much I have changed!