Well here are the results from my 4 month check-up...but first, let's recap my 2 month check-up again:
2 Months
Weight: 11lb 7oz
Height: 23 1/2 in
4 Months
Weight: 15lb 6oz
Height: 25 3/4 in
I have done a lot of growing! I am in the 75-90th percentile for my height...Mommy is not sure where that is coming from but at 4 months-I fit best in 6-9 month clothing! Otherwise, everything else is good. I can roll over from my back to my stomach no problem (Mommy came in to feed me a couple nights in a row and found me on my tummy). I can occasionally roll from my front to my back. I am really strong at holding my head up when on my tummy. I can sit up well with a little assistance-Dr. Harrell was very impressed with that. I love grabbing my legs and feet. Dr. Harrell felt teeth under my gums and said all my drooling means they will be coming in... I get to start on rice cereal-not sure how I will like that but I will keep you posted. And Mommy called me a Champion since I did not cry very much from the shots-once Daddy held me after it was all over. So, overall a great visit and I go back in 2 months. In the meantime, I am going to keep growing!