First of all, I am still sleeping soundly through the night and I have been for a couple of months now. I go to bed around 7pm and...I am a bit of an early riser, usually up between 6-6:30am. But as you can tell from this picture, I am well rested!
I guess this picture says it all. I am walking now with help. In fact, whenever someone picks me up I always reach back for the floor because all I want to do is cruise around! I love to stand by couches, or my new activity table. I know how to sit up from a laying down position and.....THIS JUST IN, TODAY, ON MY BIRTHDAY, I PULLED MYSELF UP INTO A STANDING POSITION. Mom and Dad were shocked so I did it again for them to prove it was not just a fluke. Dad says this means the mattress get dropped...whatever that means!
So now I have both bottom teeth and 1 top one fully in, and the other one is making it's way down. I am eating a lot of table foods now, not just the pureed stuff. I snack on cheese, avocado, banana, carrots and broccoli, cheerios, pancakes and whatever Mom and Dad might be having for that meal too. Of course, we still avoid any foods that have soy, eggs or peanuts in them. I can feed myself (with my hands) really well and I prefer that. Mommy calls me "Mr. Independent"
And last but not least, I moved into my own bathroom and my own tub. Howard-the duck tub that I had been bathing in- is not big enough anymore for me and all my toys. In this pic, I am helping Dad fill the tub for my evening soak.

Stay tuned tomorrow....it is my 9 month check-up with Dr. Harrell and we can't wait to see how big I really am! We already have to buy the convertible car seat because I don't fit in my infant seat anymore...I am too long. So this should be a good check-up!