Friday, February 27, 2009
Go Niagara!
Everybody needs to laugh nowadays....
I had a serious case of the giggles the other night. Everything was funny to me! I have this block that has a string on it and when you pull it, it vibrates. That is all that Daddy was doing to me and I could not stop laughing. Anyway, I hope it makes you laugh or at least make you smile....we need to do more of that these days!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Good Bye...and an Update...

Thursday, February 12, 2009
A Little Laughter
I turned 10 months old yesterday! Wow, I am getting so big so fast! Can you believe that in 2 months, I will be 1 year old! I am so excited!!
Since most of you don't get to hear me laugh that often, I decided to share this video with you of my silliness. Who knew slippers could be so funny!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Baby Talk
For a while, I have been saying a lot of "Mama" and "Mom, Mom." So Mommy and Daddy have been trying to add new words to my vocabulary. I am getting better with ball...I get the "ba" out when I see it. But what I have been working really hard on is "DaDa" and "Daddy...."
Listen to me play, crawl and talk.....
And listen to me walk and talk.....
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Busy Little Bee

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Sorry Everyone!

For those of you that did not know, Mommy has a side business. She bakes "sweet treats" ---cookies and stuff and then delivers them to clients for meetings or whatever they need them for. So she had to do a bit of baking over the weekend and then we had to deliver them to one of her clients yesterday. That was my first time going with her on official business-it was fun!
Today we went to Mommy's old work at Home Depot Corporate and visited her friends and then had lunch with Daddy. After that we had to run a bunch of errands.
And tomorrow...we have to take my buddy Rips to the vet. So it has been non-stop since Saturday! As you can see by the picture, I am pooped! But Mommy says that will be it for the week and then we might get to go the the pool at the club again. Yipee!