Mommy calls me her "busy little bee" lately. Since I can crawl now...and very fast I might add..I am into a lot of things. I love rolling my ball out of my playroom and onto the hardwoods in the kitchen. That way I can roll and chase all at the same time!

This is one of my new favorite spots. I crawl to the windows in the playroom and just look outside or bang on the windows.

And it doesn't matter how many toys I have....I ALWAYS go back to the pots and pans cupboard . I go there at least once a day! They make good noise!
I still really love to walk with Mommy or Daddy holding my hands. I like chasing Ripken or kicking my ball while circling the family room and kitchen. Mommy let go of me today and I stood by myself for about 5 seconds.....but it felt like a lifetime to me!