Well, the news is not as good as we had hoped. As I mentioned after my last appointment, according to the skin test in the Dr's office, my egg and peanut allergies were less reactive than before and the soy was more reactive. So we thought the egg and peanut may be going away. Dr. Rezvani called today and said he got the bloodwork back and it shows that the egg allergy is actually twice as bad as it was 6 months ago. The peanut and soy allergies were about the same. So since the bloodwork looked that way-my allergies are not going away yet...but I have hope they will someday! The good news is that Mommy is now really good at making things with substitutions for eggs. She just made a zucchini bread with bananas and applesauce...and it is really good. Now she just needs to find a cake recipe with no eggs for my birthday party...can't wait!