We spent Friday through Monday in Lake Osakis with Mommy's family. We decided to stay in a cabin right on the lake instead of a hotel-ours is the 2nd from the left.

Daddy took me for a walk on the docks every morning.

I am told, and I guess this picture shows, that the sunsets were beautiful. Of course, I was snoozing away by then-so tired from all the activities!

I got a lot of wagon rides from my cousins but Aunt Liz and I decided to take a break and just chill for a little while...

Here I am with the crew (from left to right) Joey, Anna, Cindy, me, Thomas, Nathan and Eva

Me and Mommy taking a cuddle break.
We had such a good time, and it was fun to be around all my older cousins. I guess it inspired me because.....I CAN WALK! Mommy noticed I was standing up on my own a lot more since we got back and suddenly I just started taking steps. I am not a full-fledged walker yet but I am certainly getting there. Of course, Mommy can never catch me on video-we are working on that so I can show all you! So thanks to my cousins for a fun trip and inspiring me to walk!