Hello again! Just wanted to fill you in on a couple of things in my life! I had my 15 month check up on Friday. Everything is good. I will show you the comparison with my 12 month check-up:
12 Month
Weight: 21lb 3oz
Height:30 in
15 Month
Weight: 23 lb
Height: 30.5 in
I had 3 shots in my leg...ouch! But I recovered easily from them. I go back at 18 months but not for any shots...which is a good thing!

I have been helping out around the house lately. Daddy let me sweep the garage today!

And Mommy let me Swiffer the hardwood floors-I love cleaning! (I am told this means I am really taking after my Daddy...)

And besides swimming at the Fitness Club, Mommy and I also joined a playgroup called the Tornado Toddlers. We had our first class on Saturday. We sing, dance, run, kick balls, ride scooters, bowl...we do all sorts of stuff! Whew-it's tiring, but so so much fun!
Oh and I almost forgot, I moved into my toddler bed. It took me a couple of nights to get used to it but now I just climb in, grab Grover and Bear and close my eyes. Can you believe I have my own bed-no more crib!