Mommy and I continue to go to story time at the Library every Wednesday. We will be starting a new playgoup in the next couple of weeks so I am excited about that-new friends!
So, my soy results... were not so definitive. It looks like I am probably over the soy allergy but we will not know for sure until my next appt 6 months from now (which is right before my baby sister or brother gets here!). Mommy and Daddy decided with the doctor to start feeding me foods that have soy listed as an allergen on the package and so far-I have not had a single problem! So it looks really good but I will keep you posted!
Mommy and baby are still doing fine. I like to talk to Mommy's belly and pat it. Mommy always asks me if I think girl or boy.... and I say girl...but she keeps asking me! I guess we'll see!
The most exciting news is that we leave for Florida on Sunday....for a whole week! I am sure I will have a lot of pictures to share with you during and after the trip...so stay tuned!