I was a little under the weather a week ago. This is me and Mommy relaxing and watching my Elmo DVD. I had a fever of 103.5 and was just not feeling good-it looks like it ended up being a touch of the flu.. I am much better now and I know I promised you an update since I had my 18 month check-up with Dr. Harrell so here it is:
I weigh in at 23 lb 15 oz
and I am 32 1/4 in tall.
So I put on a few ounces and about an inch since my 15 month visit. Dr. Harrell said I looked good and I was talking up a storm so she said I sounded good too.
I have some pictures to show you from our visit with Grandma Mary and Grandpa Ed when they were here. And I also will update you on my baby sister/brother. We got some new pictures of her/him too. So stay tuned.....