I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We sure did! My cousins from New Jersey came for a vist and we had a great time! I decided I would relax a little in my bear chair before they arrive...

This was Thanksiving Eve pasta dinner. We had a little kids table so we could all eat together.

You would think this would be me and Daddy napping after the big feast-but we took a snooze before we had dinner. I guess we needed the rest to prepare ourselves for the turkey...

This is an upper level view of the kids table on Thanksgiving day. As you can tell, we were all so into the meal that we could not take the time to look up and smile for the camera!

Me sharing my bear chair with my buddy Brendan.

All the cousins-Danny, me, Brendan and Alexandra enjoying some time watching Elmo. We had such a fun visit and I am so glad they came. I will not get to see them at Christmas because Mommy is not allowed to travel from the end of December until my baby sister or brother arrives in March. So thank you to my cousins and Uncle Dan and Aunt Alana for driving from NJ to see us!