Well, here we are towards the end of February...you know what that means? I have 19 days until I meet my baby sister or brother! I am getting very excited! Mommy is hanging in there although I often hear her saying that March 12th cannot get here soon enough! Anyway, we are ready and waiting for the new baby!!

What a difference a week makes! This is what is left of my snowman from last Saturday. This weekend we had sunny-65 degree weather. We enjoyed a lot of time outside!

As you can see, I had every toy out to play with....but of course there is the basketball in my hand ...

I love my hoop...Daddy took some great action shots of me!

I just keep shooting and shooting...

and shooting! Whether the hoop is inside or outside-I can't get enough basketball!
p.s I know there have been some problems with the videos on here. The blog site is working to fix the problem as soon as possible!