Here it is...the new van. That's what I like to call it. When Mommy says we are going for a ride or have to go to the store I just keep repeating "new van." I love watching the doors slide open by themselves. Mommy pushs a button and...there they go! For any of you that really know my Mommy and Daddy, this was a big step. Neither one EVER thought they would drive a van but they love this car. Mommy says it has more in it than she could ever have imagined that she would need...but now she can't do without it! I took some interior pics so you can get a better idea of our new car.

As you can see, I am thoroughly relaxed in the new car...I guess Mommy caught me sleeping!

This is my view from the back seat. Usually Mommy is in the seat drinking her Starbucks hot chocolate....but she was taking the pics this day since I was snoozing.

I guess this is the DVD player?? Mommy and Daddy have not shown it to me yet...I think I overheard them saying they were afraid to let me see it because all I would want to do is watch Elmo every time I got in the car ...and they are right!

Again with the sleeping pics! This is a view of the back of the van. I have an empty seat to my left for my sister or brother and then another whole row in back.....who wants to come visit...we have lots of room!
Hope you enjoyed looking at our "new van!"