Anyway, Hank and I had our dr visits last week so I thought I would update you on those. My one month visit was good, no shots so I was happy about that. I weighed in at 9lb 6oz, which is up 2.1 lbs from my 1 week visit and I grew 1 1/4 inches. So yes, I enjoy eating! And I thought I would share some pictures of my other favorite activity lately....
A little of this....
And a little of that....
Enough about me. Hank had his 2 yr visit with Dr. Harrell. He is weighing in at 27 lbs and measuring 34 1/2 inches. He had to have a shot and he DID NOT like that at all...I hate hearing him cry. He also had a vision test and he passed that with flying colors. Dr. Harrell said that Mommy and Daddy should start thinking about preschool for him-since 2 is a good age to start. Of course, I would like that-then I get Mommy all to myself. But we will let you know what they decide for that later. So that's it for now-I will keep you posted on more new stuff soon!