Hi Everyone! We have been trying to keep cool around here. The heat index has been in the mid 100's for a couple of weeks now so we have to find a lot of things to do indoors! Our playgroup went to the Children's Museum las weekend so here are a few pics from that...

I got to go fishing!

And I rode a tractor....

and I got to paint...which I thought was really cool!

And I popped up inside the water at the fishing station. It was a lot of fun!
The rest of the pics are just from random days in the playroom....
I am getting so good at sitting up....and I like smiling, smiling's my favorite!
Sunday mornings Dad and I read the paper...of course I like the Toys R Us section the best...
Daddy and Hank wrestle and I just hope that I don't get hurt in the process!
This says it all...Hank does not like it when I touch him. He can touch me all he wants but he does not want me near him!
and again....I like smiling, smiling's my favorite
We are leaving for Grandma Judy and Grandpa Wayne's house on Wednesday and we will be there through Sunday. I am sure we will have lots of pics to show you after visiting with all the cousins!