Whew! The East Coast Tour for 2010 is complete! Here are some photos from our first couple of days spent in Buffalo (where is was much much cooler than it is here in Atlanta!)
We left the house at 3 am so we were pretty hungry by 8am. First stop was McDonalds...I love the hash browns!
And...of course, Daddy had to get the car washed right away...you can see the suds and washers on the window behind me...
I got to meet Great-Grandpa Jack for the first time!
And, of course, one of my namesakes, Great-Grandma Mary!
TOOLS! I love 'em and Great-Grandpa Jack had a lot of them in his basement. I think I wore him out going up and down the stairs so many times to see them!
I guess this is some tradition...to get your picture taken on this old slide across from Great-Grandma and Grandpa's house...so I obliged...

A not so beautiful and chilly day at Niagara Falls!
Poor Great-Grandpa Jack had to hold my goofy brother!
Great-Uncle Joe had the day off and came to play with us. I like him because he would build towers with the blocks and let me knock them down!
Great-Aunt Terry loves pink so she was happy to have a girl in the house!
And Tommy provided quite a bit of entertainment!
Next up...Pictures from our second stop in Boston Mass...stay tuned!