Let's see...where did we leave you last...oh, yes...here are a few more pics from Christmas and a few from the new year!
Here I am riding my "fast car"...which is what Hank likes to call my princess mobile
Whew-I took some time out from all the festivities to hang with my Sesame Street friends!
Daddy took one more picture to show how much snow we got-I know, not a lot to you Northeasterners, but it is a lot to us!
I got to play in the snow...although I did not quite know what to do. Yes, I am wearing my rain boots since I don't own any snow boots. But I did have snow pants thanks to the hand-me-downs from my Minnesota cousins!

I finally moved out into the snow and started shoveling...clearing a path for Ripken!
Feasting on my favorite meal...spaghetti and meatballs-our New Year's Eve dinner!
So, check out my dance moves! I can dance while sitting or while standing-as soon as I hear the music...I move!