WOW! A big thank you to our cousins Anna and Nathan for sending us a bunch of costumes. We love to play dress-up!
Mimi got a bunch of costumes but was most interested in the pink purse and the book about princesses!
Let's hope Batman can help this poor sad little girl...
Now, she is a silly girl rolling around on the floor like the bottle of ginger ale!
We went to an awesome birthday party for our friends Addison and Alexis...they had awesome slides!
Daddy and I got to ride one together!
Hank and I on the dance floor waiting for the special surprise...which happened to be Buzz Lightyear! But neither of us wanted a picture with him...
Back to the costumes...Mimi decided to be Lightning McQueen...
And the latest for Mimi is her tantrums when she gets mad...look at that face!

The real Lightning with the shades, costume and slippers!
This is a funny video from the birthday party. Daddy, Mimi and I go down the slide (Mimi got a little turned around) but then watch Mimi when she heads for the stairs at the very end of the video....and don't worry...she was not hurt at all and got right back up and climbed the stairs to do it all over again!