Whew-what a morning already! I did not sleep very well last night-I kept Mom and Dad up from about 11:30-1:30. I'm not sure what the problem was but I did not want to sleep in my crib. I eventually fell asleep but needless to say I was very tired this morning. So on my way to my 12 month dr visit, Grover and I had a good snooze. But the dr visit went well. I had a vision test that I passed, I had 2 shots, that I did not like, and I am doing everything that I am supposed to be doing. I walked with Dr. Harrell for a bit and she said it would be very soon that I would be walking on my own! I was not able to get the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) shot because it has egg in it-not good for my allergies. So we have to wait to find out what the allergist wants to do about that. Otherwise...I am healthy...and tall...and now facing forward in my seat!
Here are the Stats:
Weight: 21lb 3oz
Height: 30 in
Dr.Harrell said I am using all the food I am eating lately to add inches to my height. Anyway, after all that, I was in a bit of a daze on the way home when Mom snapped the photo below. But we can just relax the rest of the day now so off we go!