Hello everyone! This was the morning of my birthday and we are getting in some play time before all the real craziness begins!

Some of the decorations around our house. We had monkeys hanging from vines...

...and other animals like lions, tigers and elephants to name a few, scattered throughout the house. Just as if you were walking through the jungle!

This was the biggest lion of them all! A giant inflatable jumper in our backyard!

Just one of the many shots taken throughout the day as everyone (kids and adults)enjoyed jumping around in our friendly lion.

Me, Daddy and my cousin Danny taking a break from all the jumping!

And of course, I had to include my friend Addison and her t-shirt. It says 'boys are yucky' and if you look closely enough, it is a picture of me. Yes, me, when I had a big black curly wig on....I have a feeling Addison probably did not make that t-shirt herself...